Friday, May 18, 2012

untitled post

We couldn't think of a reasonable title for this article. We couldn't even think of an unreasonable one. But, we've got important things to articulate nonetheless. And here they are.

We have been in business for approximately eight years. And after eight average length years, some only slightly longer than the average year, we owe it to our faithful community of followers to provide the most pointless and long-awaited update of all time. If you write for a blog or newspaper, or report for any major news networks, now is the time to pay attention: now is the time to rest your eyes on and it's accompanying angry stickman blog (that's this).

Dedicated fans, the very moment we find the words, images, and scents to adequately describe the update we're nearly about to unveil, you'll know. So, keep the presses hot, and keep your eyes and ears at attention: an update of supreme pointlessness is in your midst.

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